Custom Operators

In this documentation, we introduce how users can define custom operators (such as other activations) that are not currently supported in auto_LiRPA, with bound propagation methods.

Write a Custom Operator

There are three steps to write an operator:

  1. Define a torch.autograd.Function (or Function for short) class, wrap the computation of the operator into this Function, and also define a symbolic method so that the operator can be parsed in auto_LiRPA via ONNX. Please refer to PyTorch documentation on defining a Function with a symbolic method.

  2. Create a torch.nn.Module which uses the defined operator. Call the operator via .apply() of Function.

  3. Implement a Bound class to support bound propagation methods for this operator.

  4. Create a mapping from the operator name (defined in step 1) to the bound class (defined in step 3). Define a dict which each item is a mapping. Pass the dict to the custom_ops argument when calling BoundedModule (see the documentation). For example, if the operator name is MyRelu, and the bound class is BoundMyRelu, then add "MyRelu": BoundMyRelu to the dict.


We provide an code example of using a custom operator called “PlusConstant”.

Contributing to the Library

We encourage the community to upload their new operators to the auto_LiRPA library so that the new operators can also be used by other users. To do this, please put the Function and the Bound class of the new operator at the auto_LiRPA/operators, add the mapping at, and submit a pull request.